Todd has been coaching, training, and working with athletes for the better part of 20 years. He has developed his own unique system, including key mental and proprietary training methods and techniques, that has helped countless players reach levels of performance and mental toughness they never thought possible.
So, I began to target mental performance training and this move has helped so many of my players with their performance, and in their lives.”

Mental Training for Athletes
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My Story – Todd Thomas
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Todd Thomas is a long-time baseball and softball coach and professional hitting instructor. He is an author, public speaker, and mental performance coach.
Todd’s new book, A Game Plan for Beat Your Toughest Opponent is written for those who often find themselves needing to “get out of their own way”, so that they can free themselves from mental obstacles and stretch their potential.
Todd speaks to athletic and business groups, and coaches individuals toward their personal potential. With years of intensive study in the science and mechanics of personal achievement, he coaches one-on-one, as well as teams and groups helping them to improve performance.
He has seen many of his players go from being mental train-wrecks to cool, reliable performers.

Todd also worked for Fox Sports Radio as a show host and reporter covering the Dallas Cowboys, Stars, Mavericks and Texas Rangers.